Zoran's net
Works & Collections
Sajt sadrži objekte, spise i dokumente namerene za informaciju, edukaciju i komunikaciju. Postavljajeni su zanimljivi rukopisi, putopisi i tekstovi, za one posetioce koji imaju interes za drugačiju šolju kafe, osećaj za humor i prirodan drajv za avanturom, ali, također, i za sve one koji vole knjigu.
Oplemenjen je listom i linkovima zanimljivih i originalnih muzičkih radova, različitog žanra i vremena. Lista dokumentarnih video klipova, Ovde&Onde, je također izlistan.
Niste čuli za Marsovce?
Grad nam je pun takvih!
Hvala na pitanju.
This site holds objects, stories and documents intended for information, education and communication. Presented herein, some interesting manuscripts, travelogues and texts, for those ones that have interest for different cup of coffee, have sense of humour and natural drive for adventure, but, also, for those ones that love the book.
Site is enriched with lists and links to some original music works, different genres and times.
List of documentary video clips, here&there, in raw formats is also presented.
You haven’t heard for the Mars?
Our town is full of them!
Thanks for asking!
Na krilima novog talasa, elektronske i rok muzike nastala je grupa PERSIJSKI TEPIH čiji je osnivač Zoran Spasić. Persijski tepih je osnovan 1982. godine, u Kruševcu (Srbija). Članovi grupe su bili: Zoran Spasić (vokal, gitara, klavijature i kompozitor), Dragana Smiljković (bas) i Zlatibor Kramarić (bubnjevi). Objavili su dva albuma: "Tartufi" (1986) i "Transilvanija" (1987). Album "Tartufi" izvođen je i van granica tadašnje Jugoslavije, u Austriji, Italiji...
On the wings of new waves of punk, rock, electronic and experimental music trends, came out PERSIAN CARPET band established in 1982 by Zoran Spasic, Spale, in Krusevac, Serbia. Members of the bend were: Spale (composer, vocal, guitar, keyboards), Dragana Smilkovic, (bass) and Zlatibor Kramaric, (drums). Initially, they launched two albums, Tartuffes (1986) and Transylvania (1987) in Coper, Slovenia, played in Yugoslavia, Austria, Italy...
Objavljeni rukopisi: